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  • Second-hand panels: Australia’s massive wasted solar opportunity

    On a recent visit to the local rubbish tip, Dr Nick Engerer – the founder and CEO of solar data services company Solcast – was struck by an increasingly familiar sight: a stack of perfectly functional, discarded solar panels.

  • RF-based home automation using Raspberry Pi (Part 1)

    While researching around on how the small sensors on doors/windows and motion detectors work, I found out that they are based on a radio frequency protocol which is typically on the 433 Mhz, 315 MHz or 868 MHz bands.

  • RF-based home automation using Raspberry Pi (Part 2)

    I have previously published the first part of this topic which is about interfacing with a RF-based home security system. Later on, I found a relatively cheap 220V relay that works on the same 433 MHz frequency and decided to purchase one from AliExpress to try out.

  • Developing a Timeseries Heatmap in Python Using Plotly

    Anyone who has ever been exposed to the data, knows that time series data is arguably the most abundant type of datum that we deal with on a routine basis. Data that is indexed with date, time and/or both is thereby classified as a timeseries dataset.

  • 3 board games to play if you like Catan

    Whether you are new to tabletop games or have been in the hobby for a while, you are probably familiar with the ubiquitous Settlers of Catan. If you fell in love with the classic game but you’re looking to try something new, we have a few recommendations for board games like Catan.

  • A Slice of Genius: Sourdough Monitor Cooked Up With Raspberry Pi

    The sourdough bread craze from the start of the pandemic lockdowns has led to a lot of delicious crusty loaves, but also this ingenious device: a peanut butter jar equipped with a Raspberry Pi and e-ink screen, that measures the CO2 levels of your sourdough starter – or indeed anything that ferments


  • A Push-Pull Workout to Build Strength All Over

    There are tons of ways to program a workout, but there’s one tried-and-true method that has withstood the test of time: the push-pull workout. If you’re looking to build full-body strength, this way of structuring your workout is super efficient and effective.

  • Building an interactive Python dashboard using SQL and Datapane

    One of the most important skills for data analysis is interacting with databases. Most organizations store their business-critical data in a relational database like Postgres or MySQL, and you’ll need to know Structured Query Language (SQL) to access or update the data stored there.

  • Read NFC tags with Power Apps on iOS and Android

    Being able to quickly and reliably identify real-world objects is a key enabler to building efficient digital workflows for logistics, maintenance, retail and other front-line scenarios.